Title | Manuscript - Biographies of the Mormon Battalion | |
Author | Black, Susan Easton and Larry C. Porter | |
Publisher | Unpublished | |
Repository | Family History Library | |
Source ID | S937 | |
Linked to | Adair, George Wesley Allen, John Albert Allison, Malinda Allred, Sally Babcock, William Lorenzo Brimhall, John Calkins, James Wood Campbell, Phebe Ann Carpenter, William H. Casto, James Carlton Chase, Abner Jr. Cole, James Barnet Coleman, George Dalton, Henry Simon Earl, Jacob Syphers Eastman, Marcus N. Fargher, Ann Fisher, Adam Gribble, William Harmon, Ebenezer Hunt, Mary Jackson, Charles A. Joyce, Thomas C. Kelly (Mrs.), Sarah Kelly (Mrs.), Sarah Kettleman, Elizabeth Jane Markham, Ruth McClellan, William Carroll Reed, Clarrisa Robinson, William J. Rutledge, Matilda Savage, Levi Jr. Sessions, John Slater, Mary Ann Spencer, William W. Wilcox, Matthew |