Notes |
Joseph Smith: Block 10, Lot 4, Tenant
T6R8, Sec 9, SW, 1/2 Acre
Members, LDS, 1830-1848, by Susan Easton Black, Vol 46, pp 516 - 520
Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, p1250
LDS Biographical Encyclopedia, pp 51-52
Frederick G. Williams, Biographical Sketch in "Records of Early Chuch Families, 3 pp
"Frederick Granger Williams of the First Presidency of the Church", BYU Studies (1972), 16 pp
List of Taxes on Attornies and Phyusicians
Kirtland Maps
Letter of Administration of estate, Adams County, Missouri, 2 pp
Picture of Memorial and map of Wiiddbyrt Cenetery
ZION'S_CAMP: Member of Zion's Camp (Backman, "A Profile of Kirtland Saints..." Appendix E, p. 93
- Family Group Record by Nauvoo Land and Records
Joseph Smith: Block 10, Lot 4, Tenant
T6R8, Sec 9, SW, 1/2 Acre
Property Records, 1 page
Propety Transactions, Black , Black and Plewe, p 4554
Early 70's and High Priest Index, LDS Archives, p 154
Members LDS, 1830-1848 Susan Easton Black, Vol 46 pp 516-520
LDS Biographical Encyclopedia, Andrew Jensen, pp 51-52
Records of Early Chuch Families,UGHM, 3 pages
Frederick Granger Williams of the First Presidency of the Church, BYU Studies (1972), 11 pages
List of Taxes on Attornies and Physicians, 1 page
Kirtland Maps, 2 pages
Letter of Administration of estate, Adams County, Missouri, 2 pp
Picture of Memorial and map of Woodland Cemetery, 3 pages
Mormon Historical Studies, BYU, Final Resting Place of Frederick Granger Williams, pp 229-239
Zions Camp, p 11
Kirtland Member Records, p 114
Internet Research:
leavesonatree, org: getperson.php, 2 pages Ancestral File, 1 page
FATHER: William Wheeler Williams
MOTHER: Ruth Granger
Marriage place: Wyandotte, Wayne, Missouri, USA
Death date: 25 Oct 1842