Notes |
Nauvoo: Block 135, Lot 4
Kimball: 2nd: Block 13, Lot 4
Wells: Block 8, Lot 1, S/3 (Homesite)
Wells: Block 9, Lot 2, S/3
Nauvoo Temple Endowment Register p 4
Members, LDS, 1830-1848, by Susan Easton Black, Vol 35 pp 550-566
Nauvoo Legion
Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah p 1113
History, 3 pages
The Orson Pratt Journals, 55 pages, on computer
Journey from Nauvoo, Extracts from the Private Journal of Orson Pratt, Utah Genealogical and Historical
Magazine, 33 pages
Writings are:
"Writings" diskette code: PRATO_FS.P Orson PRATT "Are the Father and Son Two Distinct Persons?" Millenial Star (1849) 6 PP
"Writings" diskette code: PRATO1_1.P Orson PRATT "Divine Authenticity of the Book of Mormon (1850-51) No. 1 36p
"Writings" diskette code: PRATO4_6.P Orson PRATT "Divine Authenticity of the Book of Mormon (1850-51) No. 4 38p
" Writings" Diskette Code: PRATO_DA.P Orson PRATT "Divine Authority, Or the Question, Was Joseph Smith Sent of God?" 13 pp
"Writings" diskette code: PRATOSRV.P Orson PRATT Interesting Account of Several Remarkable Visions 9 pp
"Writings" diskette code: PRATO11J.GH Orson PRATT Journals (1811-1838) ed. Watson 27 pp
"Writings" diskette code: PRATO11J.P Orson PRATT "History" Millennial Star 27 (1864) and UG&HM 27-29 (1936-1938)
QUORUM_OF_TWELVE_APOSTLES: Kirtland Ohio, 7 April 1836 (Backman, "A Profile of Kirtland Saints..." Appendix E, p. 97)
ZION'S_CAMP: Member Zion's Camp (Backman, "A Profile of Kirtland Saints..." Appendix E, p. 97)
Name transcribed from A "Grave" Experience at the Mormon Pioneer Winter Quarters Cemetery. By Carlyle B. Jensen and Gail Geo. Holmes, Published by Authors October 1999. Quoted from with permission of Gail Geo. Holmes. The record is a Commencement to bury in the burying ground at Winter Quarters, North West Corner. Spellings, dates and etc. are as written in the original record - mistakes and all."
Stated in record above for Vanson Pratt son of Orson Pratt, "Vanson Pratt; age 1 yr., 6 mos., 5 days; son of Orson and Sarah M. Pratt; deceased July 28, 1847; disease dropsy of the brain; birthplace Nauvoo, Illinois; birthdate Jan. 23, 1846; grave no. 182."
Name transcribed from Winter Quarters Wards Membership Lists 1846 - 1848. Taken from a variety of historical sources. They are not complete, and because of the difficulty reading handwriting, may not be entirely accurate. Most of the lists seem to be from the winter of 1846 - 47, but some are from later. In addition, people often moved to better housing, thus changing wards. Sources for these lists are: bishop's reports, high council meeting minutes, tithing records, and 'census' reports of widow, soldier's wives and other unassigned members of wards. The original records are available at the Historical Department, Archives Division, of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City Utah.
- Family Group Record by Nauvoo Land and Records
Nauvoo: Block 135, Lot 4
Kimball: 2nd: Block 13, Lot 4
Wells: Block 8, Lot 1, S/3, Home site
Wells: Block 9, Lot 2, S/3
Property Transactions, Hancock County, Black Black & Plewe, pp 3135-3136
Nauvoo Temple Endowment Register p 4
Early 70's and High Priest Index, LDS Archives, p 114
Members LDS, 1830-1848, Susan Easton Black, Vol 35 pp 550-566
Nauvoo Legion, John Sweeney, 1 page
Early Mormon Records, 1842 Census, Lyman D Platt, Vol 1 p 23
Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, Frank Esshom, p 1113
1842 Census, Biographical, Maurine Ward, Sec 2 pp 39-41
History, Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine, 33 pages
History of Orson Pratt, pp 1-49
Kirtland Members and records, pp 85 & 94
#5 Louisa Chandler, md 1846
#6 Marian Ross, md 19 Feb 1852
#7 Sarah Louisa Lewis, 21 June 1853
#9 Eliza Crooks, 24 July 1857
#10 Margaret Graham, 28 Dec 1868
- Name transcribed from A "Grave" Experience at the Mormon Pioneer Winter Quarters Cemetery. By Carlyle B. Jensen and Gail Geo. Holmes, Published by Authors October 1999. Quoted from with permission of Gail Geo. Holmes. The record is a Commencement to bury in the burying ground at Winter Quarters, North West Corner. Spellings, dates and etc. are as written in the original record - mistakes and all."
Stated in record above for Vanson Pratt son of Orson Pratt, "Vanson Pratt; age 1 yr., 6 mos., 5 days; son of Orson and Sarah M. Pratt; deceased July 28, 1847; disease dropsy of the brain; birthplace Nauvoo, Illinois; birthdate Jan. 23, 1846; grave no. 182."
- Name transcribed from Winter Quarters Wards Membership Lists 1846 - 1848. Taken from a variety of historical sources. They are not complete, and because of the difficulty reading handwriting, may not be entirely accurate. Most of the lists seem to be from the winter of 1846 - 47, but some are from later. In addition, people often moved to better housing, thus changing wards. Sources for these lists are: bishop's reports, high council meeting minutes, tithing records, and 'census' reports of widow, soldier's wives and other unassigned members of wards. The original records are available at the Historical Department, Archives Division, of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City Utah.