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Nauvoo Temple Endowment Register, p 256
Members, LDS, 1830-1848, by Susan Easton Black, Vol 27, p 281
FHL 919055
On endowment record from Nauvoo Temple, 2 Feb 1846:
Birthdate, 25 Oct 1786;
Christening: 28 Oct 1787, Crathorn, Yorkshire, England.
Original LDS baptism in Lancashire, England, before June 1840.
From the "Mormon Immigration Index," The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2000, cd:
[The incorrect surname is an error made by the ship's passenger list recorder]
PRESTON, Patience <1783>
Gender: F
Age: 58
Origin: England
Occ: [Husband's] Mason
Ship: Rochester
Date of Departure: 21 Apr 1841
Port of Departure: Liverpool, England
LDS Immigrants: 130
Church Leader: Brigham Young
Date of Arrival: 20 May 1841
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Source: Customs #178 (FHL #002289)
Notes: "EIGHTH COMPANY. -- Rochester, 130 souls. Tuesday April 20th, 1841, Apostles Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Orson Pratt, Wilford Woodruff, John Taylor, George A. Smith and Willard Richards and family went on board the ship Richester, Captain Woodhouse, at Liverpool, bound for New York, with a company of one hundred and thirty saints. Captain Woodhouse delayed his sailing two days, to accommodate the Elders. The Rochester sailed on the twenty-first and arrived at the quarantine ground at New York May 19th, after a toilsome passage. At one time she was beset with head winds and a tedious storm; when the Apostles united in prayer, in answer to which the storm abated, the sea became calm and the voyage was continued with rejoicing. On the twenty-eighth of April the ship encountered a tempest, shipped a heavy sea in which Apostle Woodruff got thoroughly drenched, while Willard Richards escaped under the bulwarks. The Rochester arrived at the dock in New York about four o'clock p.m., on Thursday, May 20th, but the passengers were prevented from landing by the carters and rowdies until late in the evening. Such was the confusion in New York at that time at the arrival of a ship, steamboat or coach, that strangers were led to suppose that the city was without mayor, marshall, police or any other officer to keep the peace. The company remained in New York until the fourth of June, when the journey was contitnued, under the direction of Bigham Young, Heber C. Kimball and John Taylor, via Philadelphia to Pittsburg by railway and canal transportation. They traveled on what was then called the swift line, for which they paid fourteen dollars for each adult; the slow line carried passengers for nine dollars. After staying four days at Pittsburg, they set sail on the steambot Cicero, June 12th, and aftr having proceeded about fifteen miles the boat ran on a sand bank, where it was detained three days; in fact the boat ran aground several times, the water being very low, and the epassengers were three weeks on board before they arrived in Nauvoo. The weather was also extremely warm. Apostle Kimball, in a communication to the Millenial Star, advised future emigrants to come by way of New Orleans, on which route the accommodations would be better and the fare less, and he also recommended that British Saints should sail in the cool part of the season. The company finally arrived in Nauvoo July 1st, 1841, and was met on the river bank by about three hundred Saints who had come down to meet the new comers. A greater manifestation of love and gladness had perhaps never been witnessed among brethren in this dispensation than that which was exhibited on this occasion when the Prophet Joseph met his brethren of the Twelve, whom he loved so dearly. Joseph was the first person on board the steamer which brought the company in and gave the immigrating Saints a warm and hearty greeting."
Immigration Record from "Mormon Immigration Index" cd, Copyright 2000:
PRESTON, Patience <1783> Rochester 1841
Gender: F Age: 58 Origin: England Occ: Mason
(Note: This is the only entry in the "Mormon Immigration Index" that matches what is already known of Patience Vay Lambert. The mistake in the surname may be attributed to a recording error by the ship's pursor .)
Ship: Rochester
Date of Departure: 21 Apr 1841
Port of Departure: Liverpool, England
LDS Immigrants: 130
Church Leader: Brigham Young
Date of Arrival: 20 May 1841
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Source(s): Customs #178 (FHL #002,289)
Notes: "EIGHTH COMPANY. -- Rochester, 130 souls. Tuesday April 20th, 1841, Apostles Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Orson Pratt, Wilford Woodruff, John Taylor, George A. Smith and Willard Richards and family went on board the ship Rochester, Captain Woodhouse, at Liverpool, bound for New York, with a company of one hundred and thirty saints. Captain Woodhouse delayed his sailing two days, to accommodate the Elders. The Rochester sailed on the twenty-first and arrived at the quarantine ground at New York May 19th, after a toilsome passage.
From: Heart Throbs of the West, Vol. 11, p. 396
The L.D.S. Church emigration of 1850 came to Utah in ten companies under the direction of the following captains: Milo Andrus (A); Benjamin Hawkins (Ha); Aaron John (J); James Pace (P); Edward Hunter (H); Joseph Young (Y); Warren Foote (F); Wilfor Woodruff (W); Stephen Markham (M); and David Evans (E). Many independant companies continued to emigrate to the west (I).
Ibid, p.427:
They Came in '50
Lambert, Elizabeth, 38, Sept 8, 1812, England (Y)
Lambert, Richard, 28, Nov 22, 1822, England (Y)
Lambert, Patience Vay, 64, Oct. 13, 1786, England (Y)
Lambert, John, 30, Jan 31, 1820, England, (Y)
Lambert, Adelia G. 28, April 14, 1822, Ohio (Ha)
Lambert, Martha A., 3, Feb 24, 1847, Missouri, (Ha)
Lambert, John Carlos, 1, Sept. 20, 1849, Missouri (Ha)
Lambert, Joseph, 24, April 23, 1826
Elizabeth and Richard stayed in Nauvoo, Illinois, with their families where they joined the RLDS church. The rest of the family apparently came with Benjamin Hawkins.